Šorīt barošana pagājusi viegli. Kolonijā palikuši tikai 4 jaunie putni: Tumanako, Toroa mazulis, BBVT un Junction. Tumānako un BBVT tagad sver vienādi 9,5 kg. Toroa mazulis 8,3kg , Junction sver 8,0 kg. Šī var būt viena no pēdējām svēršanas dienām un pirmā diena, kad mums nebija jābaro neviens mazulis. Toroa (LOG) tikko ieradies un baro savu mazuli (AH). Kurš vēl ubago (?) ... Tūmanaho, protams.Raganiete wrote:"Jim Watts (DOC) Mod
Featured by Department of Conservation
Good afternoon everyone,
An easy weigh day for Sharyn and me this morning. There are only 4 birds left to weigh in the colony. These are; Tūmanako, Toroa’s chick, BBVT and Junction. Tūmanako was equal heaviest with BBVT at 9.5kg. While Toroa’s chick and Junction were 8.3kg and 8.0kg respectively. It may be one of our last weigh days and even though there were only 4 birds left, it was also my first where we didn’t have to feed any chicks. I finally got one!! Toroa (LOG) has just arrived and is giving his chick (AH) a feed. Who should also be there begging for food….Tūmanako of course.
Five birds have returned for upcoming breeding season. Today we spotted two of these birds sitting together and after checking their bands found out they are a pair who successfully raised a chick in the 2015/16. Welcome back OBR and OWG. May you have the same success this year.
On a less positive note and regarding the new camera view. Sharyn noticed Tūmanako was spending some time uphill but just out of view from the camera so zoomed the camera out to provide a wider angle while also showing a small amount of the camera cover. I was really surprised to see the amount of negative comments regarding this. Please keep these types of comments to yourself and realise that when a change is made it is for the benefit of you, the viewers."
Pieci putni ir atgriezušies gaidāmajai vaislas sezonai. Šodien divi no šiem putniem sēdēja kopā un noskaidrojām, ka viņi ir pāris, kas 2015/16 gada sezonā veiksmīgi īzaudzināja mazuli. Esiet sveicināti, OBR un OWG. Lai jums ir tādi paši panākumi šogad.
Par mazāk pozitīvu piezīmi un par jauno kameru skatu. Sharin pamanīja, ka Tumānako kādu laiku darbojās kalnā, bet aiz kameras, tāpēc kameras skats ieguvis plašāku leņķi, vienlaikus parādot arī nelielu kameras vāciņu. Es biju patiešām pārsteigts, redzot negatīvo komentāru apjomu par šo. Lūdzu, paturiet šos komentāru sev un saprotot, ka tad, kad tiek veiktas izmaiņas, tas ir jūsu labā, skatītāji.