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Love Is In The Air: Bald Eagles Spotted Showing Their Love For Each Other

Love Is In The Air: Bald Eagles Spotted Showing Their Love For Each Other
Fotografējis Hallgrimur P. Helgason, Kaldarselā, Islandē.Sharon Dunne
An amazing image of the Northern Lights in the shape of a bird!
The dramatic photos of this phenomenon, taken in Kaldarsel by photographer Hallgrimur P. Helgason, have fascinated the world.
They show a unique moment when the Northern Lights take the shape of a Phoenix. In mythology, this bird is considered to be a symbol of immortality, as the bird rose from the ashes.
In Helgason’s images, the massive phoenix looks like rising from the ground and flying over Iceland.
https://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/northe ... JICG2Wfxxk
U.S. Department of the Interior
Just wow. Intertwined after a midair territorial battle, two bald eagles at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Maryland hang suspended in a tree, talons locked. Blackwater is the center of the greatest density of breeding bald eagles on the east coast and a great place to observe them. But locked together in a tree? That's a rare sight! This time of year, eagles are setting up their territories and beginning to build nests. Sometimes, defending a territory means locking talons in aerial quarrels and refusing to let go. These birds were hanging in the trees over Wildlife Drive for hours last week before finally freeing themselves. Incredible photo courtesy of Pat McGuire.
Jā, interesanti. Bet labi, ka paši varēja atāķēties.
Forest Park Nature Center
Bald eagle nests are generally 5 feet wide and 3 feet deep. The largest recorded bald eagle nest 9.5 feet in diameter, 20 feet deep and weighed almost 6,000 pounds! Check out this to scale nest, at Hueston Woods.
Check back next Tuesday for another Tuesday Trivia!
Isariah Curtis
Looked it up, trying to picture 20 ft deep...
Pasaulē vecākais zināmais savvaļas putns - Laisanas albatross, kuram dots vārds Gudrība/Wisdom, ne tikai sagaidījis 70 gadu slieksni, bet arī izperējis vēl vienu cāli, ziņo "Independent".
Tiek pieļauts, ka putns varētu būt arī vecāks, jo 1956. gadā, kad viņa tika piereģistrēta, viņai tika noteikts aptuvenais vecums - pieci gadi.
Aizvadītajā mēnesī netālu no Havaju salām viņa izperēja cāli. Aprēķini liecina, ka Gudrība radījusi vismaz 35 pēcnācējus.
Laisanas albatrosi parasti atrod vienu savu dzīves partneri, tomēr Gudrības ilgmūžības dēļ viņai nācies atrast vairākus jaunus partnerus.
Līdz 21. gadsimta sākumam tika uzskatīts, ka albatrosi spēj nodzīvot līdz 40 gadu vecumam, tomēr Gudrība ir pārrakstījusi dabas vēsturi.
Kad 2002. gadā biologs Čandlers Robinss pamanīja putnu ar nodilušu gredzenu, viņš nolēma to nomainīt. Liels bija viņa pārsteigums, kad viņš saprata, ka putns ir ne tikai 51 gadu vecs, bet arī viņš pats iepriekš putnu ir apgredzenojis.
Te arī video https://www.facebook.com/jocelynanderso ... 763286477/TasPatsFans wrote: ↑30 Sep 2021 11:19 2021.
Aizraujoši putnu fotouzņēmumi
A female Cardinal stops by to enjoy a sunflower seed and takes an almond to go.
Sasse Photo
One of my best and sharpest images of a young wild eagle, 2 images stacked to get the beak and the eyes
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=41 ... 2207520000..
Tas stāsts bija arī mums dienaskārtībā, te var pasekot notikumu gaitai... https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 37#p205437TasPatsFans wrote: ↑18 Oct 2021 12:42 18.10.
Cerams, ka esmu pareizajā sadaļā..Viens foršs, ne pārāk garš video. ieraksts gan veikts divus gadus atpakaļ
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