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Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 23:50
by Lianaliesma

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:57
by Lianaliesma

4 oliņas. :P



Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 15 May 2020 16:24
by Lianaliesma

Mazākais sīcītis nav izdzīvojis.... :cry:


Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 16 May 2020 01:24
by Lianaliesma
Raptor Resource Project
We lost our youngest falcon at the Great Spirit Bluff nest yesterday. We were all cheering for our little underdog and hoping that its spunk would help bridge the size gap between it and its siblings. A newly hatched baby falcon or eyass can make it several days without food, but it looked like too much was missed for it to keep its strength up. Competing with larger siblings for food is always a significant issue and the larger the hatch age gap, the more challenging it is to make it through the first critical week of development. It seemed that many times it was hard for our little underdog to get up and keep its beak open and in the right direction during feeding time. Here are some photos from hatch on Saturday the 9th to Thursday the 14th. Rest in peace little one.

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 16 May 2020 12:07
by Lianaliesma

Mammīte piesardzīgi aplūko mirušo mazuli, bet tad atkal atstāj. Pati aizlidoja un atnesa ņammu, pabaroja mazos.


Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 16 May 2020 12:08
by Lianaliesma
Pēc laba laika mammīte atkal pievēršas mirušajam cālim un šoreiz nolemj to aiznest prom.



Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 31 May 2020 23:44
by Lianaliesma

Vakar, 30.maijā abus mazuļus gredzenoja un deva tiem vārdus Floids un Elīze. ... ater&ifg=1


Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Ņūmens un Nova)

Posted: 03 Jun 2020 14:48
by Lianaliesma

Floids un Elize sagaida mammu Novu ar brokastiņu


Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Nova un Ņūmens)

Posted: 03 Jun 2020 14:48
by Lianaliesma
Atnests spilgti krāsains putniņš


Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Nova un Ņūmens )

Posted: 08 Jun 2020 13:58
by Lianaliesma

Abus mazuļus aiznesa ūpis. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Uzmanību! Video satur smagi vērojamus mirkļus.
Viewer Discretion Advised: Great Horned Owl attacks little Peregrine Falcons ~ 06-06-2020
Eagle Cam
Great Spirit Bluff Peregrine Falcons ~ Heartbreaking News! A GHO Kills Elise Tonight! 💔💔 6.8.20
Lady Hawk

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Nova un Ņūmens )

Posted: 08 Jun 2020 14:05
by Made
Cerams, ka plēšputni tomēr prot neapēst tos gredzenus.. :cry:

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2020 (Nova un Ņūmens )

Posted: 05 Jan 2021 16:23
by Lianaliesma

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Nova un Ņūmens )

Posted: 23 Mar 2021 14:20
by Lianaliesma
23.03. ... 5882442570
Joni Tilley
Ah, my precious little islands in the stunning sunrise of today

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Nova un Ņūmens )

Posted: 25 Mar 2021 14:35
by Lianaliesma

Šogad Ņūmenam ir jauna partnere Zooey. ... 322349126/
John Howe
Excitement is in the air at Great Spirit Bluff! We are pleased to see that Newman has bonded with a new female this year (finally) and it has been quite a show watching female peregrine falcons duke it out to claim this territory with him. We are not sure why Nova did not stick around after her fight with Nina.
We have selected a name for UBF (Zooey - New Girl - Life) knowing that she is a young female and we are sure hoping that she will be productive giving new falcon life to the skies above the mighty Mississippi! She has checked out almost every spot to perch, copulate, and most important work on the scrape in anticipation of eggs.
We are excited to see this new pair raise young and wish them all the best!

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Zooey un Ņūmens )

Posted: 26 Mar 2021 00:29
by Lianaliesma
17.25 Zooey

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Zooey un Ņūmens )

Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:01
by Lianaliesma

Izdēta 1.oliņa. :P

Great Spirit Bluff Falcons : Zooey laid 1st egg of the season ( 04 16 2021)
Lizzy G Eaglespirit

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Zooey un Ņūmens )

Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:48
by Lianaliesma

Izdēta 2.oliņa :P
Tomēr izdēja... :D

23.aprīlis -Ņūmens atnes savai Zooey medījumu - dzeni!
Tā ir iecienīta piekūnu barība, iespējams, tāpēc, ka tie ir lieli un viegli noķerami. Viņu spalvas atrodamas gandrīz katrā ligzdā.
Vai Zooey izdēs vēl vienu olu? Vai viņas pirmā ola izšķilsies? Šajā brīdī mēs nedomājam, ka viņa izdēs vēl vienu olu. Divu gadu vecie piekūni dažreiz izdē pilnu dējumu un dažreiz to nedara. Ņūmens ir uzturējis viņu labākajā stāvoklī - kā vērotāji ir norādījuši, viņš, ja varētu, pats dētu olas! - un Zooey ir bijusi atsaucīga viņa uzmanībai, taču viņai jau tagad vajadzēja izdēt vēl vienu olu. Vai viņu vienīgais izšķilsies? Viņi nav pavadījuši daudz laika, lai to inkubētu, kas ir saprotams, jo piekūni sāk inkubēt ar trešo olo četru olu dējumā. Inkubācijas uzvedība ir ļoti atkarīga no hormoniem (instinkts ir dīvains), un Zooey hormonālais režīms vēl nav īsti izveidojies.
Shelli Fugit Simon
From RRP:
April 23, 2021: Northern Flicker for Zooey!-
. Newman brings Zooey a Northern Flicker, Yellow-Shafted form. You might have grown up calling these birds Yellow-Shafted Flickers. They eat primarily insects, especially beetles and ants, on the ground. George, John, and the Prairie Enthusiasts just conducted a prairie burn on top of the bluff. The flicker was probably feeding on the newly bare ground when Newman caught it. Northern flickers are a favorite food of peregrine falcons, probably because they are large, abundant, and easy to catch. We find their feathers at almost every nest we go to.
Will Zooey lay another egg? Will her single egg hatch? At this point, we don't think she'll lay another egg. Two year-old falcons sometimes lay full clutches and sometimes don't. Newman has been keeping her in top condition - as watchers have pointed out, he would lay the eggs himself if he could! - and Zooey has been responsive to his attention, but she should have laid another egg by now. Will their single hatch? They haven't spent much time incubating it, which makes sense, since falcons don't enter full incubation until the third egg in a four egg clutch. Incubatory behavior is heavily dependent on hormones (instinct is weird) and Zooey's hormonal regime isn't quite there yet!

Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Zooey un Ņūmens )

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 20:20
by Lianaliesma

Ņūmens un Zoja audzina savu mazulīti ... 8955257273
Kim Eriksen
Newman feeding his little girl ♥♥


Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Zooey un Ņūmens )

Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:35
by Lianaliesma

Mazā Chance jau lido!




Re: Piekūni Great Spirit Bluff Cliff, ASV 2019-2021 (Zooey un Ņūmens )

Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:38
by Lianaliesma

