Plīvurpūces Kalifornijā, ASV, 2017-2018 (Džaspers un Luna)

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Re: Plīvurpūces Kalifornijā, ASV, 2017-2018 (Džaspers un Lun

Post by Feja »


23.februārī 10.17 Luna atrāda otru oliņu. :)

Video/owlbertfinn - Feb 23 2018 10:15AM Luna Lays Second Egg!

7.04 Lunas mājiņā agrs rīts. Džaspers naktī līdz 3.00 atnesis 3 kārumus - 2 peles un zaķi. Iespējams vēl kaut ko.
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Re: Plīvurpūces Kalifornijā, ASV, 2017-2018 (Džaspers un Lun

Post by Feja »


11.42 Luna 25.02 10.40 no rīta ir izdējusi 3. oliņu, bet 1. ola ir likvidēta. Moderators raksta, ka pūču mamma sapratusi jau no brīža, kad tā tika izdēta, ka ola nav dzīvotspējīga. Olas čaumala mētājas blakus.

Luna iznīcina olu.
Video/owlbertfinn - Feb 24 2018 8:23AM Luna Tosses Egg #1!

Bilde no video-
Ola nav vairs zem mammas siltā vēdera.

No Fb- ... C4&fref=nf
Luna must have sensed egg #1 was non viable from the time that she laid it and that's why she wasn't incubating it, They do know and she took care of it the owl way. The egg shell is still there next to her and with time she may eat the shell for calcium or it might disintergrate
The non viable egg # 1 is not under Luna, it is on the right side of the pantry in the open
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Re: Plīvurpūces Kalifornijā, ASV, 2017-2018 (Džaspers un Lun

Post by Lianaliesma »


Džasperam un Lunai jau 4.tā oliņa! :P

Feb 27 2018 1:06PM Luna Lays Fourth Egg! / owlbertfinn
Kad acis, ausis un sirds atveras, dvēsele izpeldas skaistumā. Z.Mauriņa
Saskaņu forumā veicina savlaicīga un publiska vienošanās par pieņemamāko problēmas risinājumu.
Mēs mācāmies bez nosacījuma iemīlēt ne tikai putnus, bet arī cilvēkus. :P
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Re: Plīvurpūces Kalifornijā, ASV, 2017-2018 (Džaspers un Lun

Post by Lianaliesma »


Nu jau 5.tā oliņa! :P

Mar 1 2018 4:06PM Luna Lays Fifth Egg! / owlbertfinn
Kad acis, ausis un sirds atveras, dvēsele izpeldas skaistumā. Z.Mauriņa
Saskaņu forumā veicina savlaicīga un publiska vienošanās par pieņemamāko problēmas risinājumu.
Mēs mācāmies bez nosacījuma iemīlēt ne tikai putnus, bet arī cilvēkus. :P
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Joined: 08 Feb 2016 21:51

Re: Plīvurpūces Kalifornijā, ASV, 2017-2018 (Džaspers un Lun

Post by Feja »


Ak, kā te atkal neveicas. Nu ir pazudis Džaspers un zaudētas olas. Moderatori domā, ka Džaspers nav manīts kopš 6.marta. Diemžēl cilvēka iejaukšanās šajā brīdī nav iespējama. Luna olas atstāja 10. martā plkst. 11.59 pm un aizlidoja. Ir uzradies jauns tēviņš, bet Luna ar to pagaidām nekomunicē.
No FB - ... 0930988465
Below is a statement from Ang and OCG about the sad situation at the HO. They are heartbroken that we are going through another tragedy

We think something must have happened to Jasper or he would have returned. As for trying to supplement, the timing is not right. There is just no way we are going to be able to logistically provide for Luna and the clutch at this point in time. Unfortunately, what we think is going to happen is she will abandon the eggs in a few days. We can’t see her staying on the eggs without a male around. We are taking a wait and see attitude and things are not looking good.

Luna left her eggs at 11:59pm 3/10/18 and flew off. She knows that they are non viable. At 1:34am the male owl from yesterday showed up and went inside to check things out. Luna came back 5 min later and chased him off. The male has been inside the HO 4 times so far. Not with Luna. Could this be Luna’s new mate? Jasper did this with Didi when Hans went missing. Stay tuned to see what happens next !!!!
Kameras īpašnieki nolēmuši tiešraidi pārtraukt un šis ir pēdējais dējums šajā pūču mājiņā, ko var vērot, un tā tiks pārtraukta, tiklīdz Luna neatgriezīsies ilgāku laiku.
Tiešraide ir darbojusies kopš 2011. gada. Cilvēki ir emocionāli noguruši.
.....As previously stated, this will be the last clutch we will be able to broadcast from this location. Our broadcast will end much earlier than expected. We will stop broadcasting as soon as Luna leaves the box for an extended period. We will continue the Owl Channel Website with links to other broadcasts that are available and the Chat room will remain active. We want to thank all of our viewers for their support and a special thanks to the Chat room Moderators for their time and dedication.
Sher67 6:06 PM OCG & Ang are going to be spending more time with family and don’t feel that it’s right just in case something happens with the cams or a situation with the owls comes up that they are not able to handle right away. OCG has been broadcasting since 2011 and we appreciate his & Ang’s dedication to the owls and their well being.
12.09 Luna atgriezusies mājiņā un snauduļo, stāvot kājās. :roll:

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